
Then Again Maybe the Basics on Cybertronian Plagues Would Be More Interesting

The name or term Galvatron refers to more than than one grapheme or thought. For a list of other meanings, see Galvatron (disambiguation).

"In an effort to eternalize the Decepticons' force, the evil planet-gobbling world Unicron reformed Megatron into a new robot named Galvatron to lead the Decepticons in a new era."
―Narrator in the Cloak-and-dagger Files of Teletraan Two

Galvatron is a force of nature. As being upgraded by the machinations of Unicron, he is a focal signal of power and madness given form. Galvatron is bullheaded to all but his animalism for power and his whims and desires tin exist sacrificed in a moment's rage. Not even his own subordinates are safe. Though Galvatron is not beyond the chapters for long-term goals, information technology is his unpredictability and casual disregard for all life that strike such horror in friend and foe alike. Truly, that Decepticon leader is without any sense of empathy.

Galvatron was once Megatron, but he was then rebuilt from his expiry throes in a Faustian pact with Unicron. He retains the memories and spark of Megatron, but his personality was significantly altered after the near-death experience, massive physical upgrade, and reprogramming. And all that was before he went insane. The crusade and extent of Galvatron'southward madness varies betwixt unlike continuities, as does his physical power. Sometimes he's depicted every bit virtually invincible.

"Delight, meet your cease with dignity. I despise whiners."
―Galvatron, allowing one of his own troops to die [src]
"Earlier a society tin motion frontward, everyone must concur on the rules. Now kneel!"
―Galvatron [src]


  • one Gallery
  • two Fiction
    • 2.1 The Transformers cartoon
    • two.2 Japanese cartoon continuity
      • two.2.i Osculation Players
      • 2.2.two The Transformers manga
      • 2.two.3 Big War manga
      • 2.ii.iv The Headmasters cartoon
    • 2.3 The Battlestars
      • 2.3.1 15 Go! Go! manga
    • 2.4 Scramble Metropolis (toy version)
    • 2.5 Curiosity Generation 1 comics
      • 2.5.1 Galvatron I
      • 2.5.2 Galvatron II
      • 2.5.3 Other versions of Galvatron
    • Dreamwave Fleet comic
    • 2.7 IDW Generation I comics
    • 2.8 Universe Classic Series toy bio
  • 3 Controversy over identity
    • iii.1 The Transformers cartoon
    • iii.two Japanese fiction
    • iii.3 Marvel Comics
  • 4 Toys
    • iv.1 Generation Ane
    • 4.ii Titanium Series
    • 4.three Universe (2008)
    • 4.4 Henkei! Henkei!
  • 5 Trade
    • 5.1 Super Hybrid Model
    • 5.2 Super Collection Figure
    • 5.iii MyClone
    • five.4 Transformers Generation One Bottlecap Collection
    • 5.5 Robot Heroes
  • six Notes
  • vii External links
  • 8 Footnotes



The Transformers drawing

Vocalization actors: Leonard Nimoy (English, The Movie), Frank Welker (English, television series), Seizō Katō (Japanese), Gert Wiedenhofen (German, television series), Manfred Erdmann (High german, The Flick), Thomas Rauscher (German, Generation 2 dubbing), Akindynos Gkikas (Greek)

He's more car now than ma—oh wait, he was a machine to begin with. Never mind.

In 2005, after being mortally wounded by Optimus Prime during the Battle of Autobot City, Megatron was left to bladder aimlessly through space later on existence punted out of the overloaded Astrotrain by Starscream, who took advantage of his near-death state to have command. Drifting aimlessly, he was summoned past Unicron, who ordered him to destroy the Matrix. Megatron was offered a new body, a warship and new troops to command, so long as he destroyed the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. At get-go, Megatron agreed and was reformatted into Galvatron, a new, powerful fighter. Unicron then reformatted Galvatron's injured (or mayhap dead?) troops into Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps.

Travelling start to Cybertron, Galvatron quickly retook command of the Decepticons subsequently killing the traitorous Starscream in the middle of his coronation as the Decepticons' new leader. He so went to Globe and attacked Autobot City full-force. Ultra Magnus led him away from Earth, and Galvatron chased him to the Planet of Junk, where he defeated Magnus and took the Matrix, intending to use information technology against Unicron.

Galvatron could not open up the Matrix, however, and as punishment for his treachery, Unicron swallowed him whole. Inside Unicron, he met up with Hot Rod. Though he initially suggested an brotherhood with the immature Autobot against the mutual threat of his principal, the Chaos Bringer mentally tortured Galvatron for his attempted treachery then forced him to assault Hot Rod. Hot Rod eventually managed to wrest the Matrix away from Galvatron and open it, leading to his transformation into Rodimus Prime. Flush with new power, Rodimus hurled Galvatron out of Unicron and into deep space. The Transformers: The Movie

He has a weird tendency to aim at his own troops.

But this would non exist the end of Galvatron.

The weakened Decepticons were subsequently routed by the Autobots and forced off of Cybertron, relocating to the burned-out world of Chaar. After eking out a living there in energy-deprived squalor for some time, they were visited past Cyclonus and Scourge, who'd finally decided to return the Decepticons to celebrity by seeking out the lost Galvatron. 5 Faces of Darkness, Part 1

They found him sunk in a lava pit on the afar planet Thrull and managed to free him. However, the furnishings of the "plasma bathroom" irrevocably altered Galvatron's sanity fries, rendering him omnicidally insane. Upon regaining his liberty, he thrashed Cyclonus and Scourge and blew up Thrull. With one shot from his fusion cannon. V Faces of Darkness, Part two

Galvatron led the Decepticons on many wacky adventures against the Autobots throughout 2006, though his insanity would usually lead to each mission catastrophe in failure. (He loved shooting his ain troops, for instance.) 5 Faces of Darkness, Part iii, Five Faces of Darkness, Part iv, Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5, Chaos, Fight or Flee, Thief in the Night, Starscream's Ghost, Ghost in the Machine, Surprise Party

At one point, his derangement became so severe, the perpetually loyal Cyclonus was left fiddling option but to dupe Galvatron into taking therapy sessions (albeit by force) on Torkulon, the therapy planet. After nearly murdering an attendant during a give-and-take-association session and somehow building a gun in an craft course, Galvatron was deemed incurable by conventional methods. The doctors attempted to apply living extensions of the planet to requite him a lobotomy (much to Cyclonus's disapproval), but Galvatron broke complimentary and murdered the sentient organic cadre of Torkulon. Later on that, he razed the entire planet's civilization, leaving them so broken it would take centuries to rebuild. Webworld, Carnage in C-Minor, The Big Broadcast of 2006, The Quintesson Periodical, The Ultimate Weapon, Dweller in the Depths, Grimlock'due south New Encephalon, Call of the Primitives, The Burden Hardest to Bear, The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1

"Just like the good one-time times, isn't it Prime?"
"There were no practiced times, ya creep."

Nevertheless, despite his insanity, he teamed up with the resurrected Optimus Prime to terminate the Hate Plague. Galvatron wound upwardly becoming infected past the plague and attempted to kill an unconscious Optimus Prime with an axe. Optimus woke upwardly in the nick of fourth dimension and opened the Matrix straight in Galvatron's face up. The wisdom of the Matrix not just cured the universe of the Hate Plague, information technology cured Galvatron's madness as well. Grateful, Galvatron sanely declared, "There will be no war today, Optimus. You have earned Galvatron's respect," and called a brief truce. The Render of Optimus Prime, Part 2

In 2007, Galvatron called off the truce and led an assail on Autobot Urban center, searching for the Key to the Plasma Energy Sleeping accommodation. Although seemingly lucid during this period, he formulated what was maybe his virtually genocidal and unbalanced scheme ever: Having converted Cybertron into a galactic dreadnought, Galvatron maneuvered information technology into Earth's orbit, planning to release the Plasma Energy Chamber's payload into Earth's sunday, Sol. The resulting supernova would wipe both Earth and Cybertron off the confront of the milky way, presumably leaving Galvatron to gain mastery over everything left. Grudgingly teamed with the Transformer-Nebulan hybrid Lord Zarak, Galvatron was eventually defeated and sent tumbling through infinite, ushering Cybertron into a new Golden Age. The Rebirth, Part one

Afterward regaining control, Galvatron vowed to collect energy from disparate corners of the galaxy and return to Cybertron: "Nosotros volition attack other planets, we will suck them dry! We will build a planet a hundred times more than powerful than Cybertron, and I volition rule the galaxy!" Zarak made it articulate he intended it to be a "we" leadership. The Rebirth, Office 3

Japanese drawing continuity

Note: The events of the The Transformers cartoon occur in this timeline every bit higher up, except that the events following The Transformers: The Movie are pushed back to 2010 (creating a five-year gap between Galvatron's creation and his render), and the events of "The Rebirth" practise not occur. The Japanese animated continuity subsequently adds several new adventures into the timeline, both during the The Transformers cartoon and later on information technology, every bit detailed beneath.

Osculation Players

Later on being hurled out of Unicron and into infinite past Rodimus Prime number, Galvatron's flying path was disrupted by the Sparkbots, a trio of Unicron'southward servants who were already working to resurrect their master. The Decepticon leader crash-landed on the planet Globe, obliterating the city of Tokyo. This catastrophic loss of life destroyed homo-Transformer relations and led to the formation of the Earth Defence force Command, a governmental organization which drove Transformers from the confront of the planet. Appropriating Galvatron'due south remains, the EDC contrary-engineered a fleet of human-operated "Autrooper" Transformers to perform this job.

Equally 2006 settled in, Galvatron'due south impact was revealed to have had an even greater effect than anyone had expected: The smash acquired by his impact had scattered his Unicron-empowered cells throughout the planet's atmosphere. When his cells came into contact with other objects and animals, they fused with them, creating an army of monstrous creatures referred to as "Legion". This disastrous issue also created the means to defend the globe against Legion, however: When Galvatron'due south cells came into contact with human being beings, these humans gained the power to fuse with other entities containing his cells. With their Autroopers being the perfect candidates for this "ParasiTech" fusion process, the EDC began recruiting and training these "Kiss Players" as gainsay squads to battle the Legion.

Seeking to uncover the ulterior motives of EDC Commander Hitoshizuku Amaō, Buss Players Marissa Faireborne, Shaoshao Li and Atari Hitotonari discovered the remains of Galvatron beneath the EDC headquarters. Amaō's program to use the Legions to resurrect her daughter, who had died in Galvatron'southward touch, was foiled when all the Legions and Autroopers fused with Galvatron's corpse, restoring his cells and reconstituting his torso. Galvatron'south trunk was shot back into infinite, where it went on to crash on Thrull. Kiss Players

The Transformers manga

Galvatron had plenty of devious schemes up his sleeve throughout 2010, opening with the nutty idea of a spaceship that ate other spaceships, which Rodimus Prime promptly blew up. The Transformers result 1 Galvatron went dorsum to his roots for his next scheme, creating a clone army of Megatrons that he dubbed the "Megatron Armed services". Galvatron disguised himself as one of the Megatrons and controlled them remotely, making them an effective fighting force that the Autobots had trouble dealing with, until his disguise was penetrated and his command over the robots broken. The Transformers issue two

Other plans included an attack on Autobot Metropolis with Trypticon The Transformers outcome 3 and an attempt to steal the Prime number Energy of the planet Feminia The Transformers event 5 . On 1 notable occasion, Galvatron challenged Rodimus Prime number to a one-on-one duel in order to lure him into a trap ready in partnership with the Quintessons. In the centre of the fight, the Quintessons' newest cosmos, an Optimus Prime/Megatron hybrid robot known as Guiltor, arrived to attack Rodimus, just Galvatron was shocked when Guiltor turned on him also. Rodimus and Galvatron called a truce long enough for them to team up and destroy Guiltor, who, it was revealed, had been possessed by Starscream's ghost. The Transformers issue four

Big War manga

Later in 2010, Galvatron kidnapped Dalton, a vivid scientist from the planet Elan, simply Dalton refused to work with the Decepticons and lent his aid to the Autobots instead, upgrading the Technobots so they could defeat the Terrorcons. Large War issue 1 Big War issue two

After the resurrection of Optimus Prime and the curing of the Hate Plague, Galvatron hastily broke his vow that in that location would exist no state of war, and he, Cyclonus and Scourge battled Prime, Hot Rod and Kup in space, just to be defeated. Large State of war issue iii

The Headmasters cartoon

In 2011, a side upshot of releasing the Matrix's energy to cure the Hate Plague was revealed when the mega-calculator Vector Sigma began to destabilize. Seeking to exploit this imbalance, Galvatron attacked Cybertron, his forces now bolstered by the add-on of new Headmaster warriors from the planet Master. Four Warriors Come Out Of The Heaven

The arrival of a team of Autobot Headmasters repelled the invasion, just it was and so revealed that the Matrix was subconscious somewhere on Earth, recharging, and the race began to larn it and use it to gain control over Vector Sigma. The Mystery of Planet Master

Hot Rod ultimately succeeded in obtaining the Matrix and becoming Rodimus Prime again, and he and Optimus Prime joined forces to defeat Galvatron. Though beaten in battle, Galvatron did at to the lowest degree take solace in the fact that Optimus Prime number once over again met his cease A Dream is Born, Double Prime, Performance Cassette, Rebellion on Planet Beast, The 4-Meg-Yr-Old Veil of Mystery, Terror! The 6 Shadows

Scorponok told Galvatron what he had done, and the enraged Decepticon leader ran into the sleeping accommodation to try and stop the explosion, only to be caught in the blast. Cybertron was reduced to a burnt-out husk, and Galvatron was left missing in action. Cybertron is in Grave Danger, Part 1

After several farther schemes involving an electro-magnetic weapon and a metal-warping meteorite, Galvatron prepare his sights on Cybertonuron, a powerful new alloy being developed by Vector Sigma. The Decepticon Headmaster leader, Scorponok, advocated the destruction of the alloy to prevent the Autobots from obtaining it, but when Galvatron refused to consider the notion, Scorponok took matters into his own hands and had powerful bombs planted in Vector Sigma's bedchamber. Cybertron is in Grave Danger, Part 2

Galvatron's been getting into the energon goodies jar.

Galvatron was thought dead for some fourth dimension, and during his absence, Scorponok proclaimed himself new Decepticon leader, but for Galvatron to turn upwardly alive and well during his coronation. Return of the Immortal Emperor, SOS from Planet Sandra, Daniel Faces His Biggest Crunch Always!!, Fight to the Death on Planet Hive!!, Boxing for Defense of the False Planet, Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!!, Caput Formation of Friendship, Mystery of the Space Pirate Ship, Ultra Magnus Dies!!

Galvatron retook command of the Decepticons and began a stray plot, taking the Decepticons on an series of interplanetary raids that saw them steal energy from numerous dissimilar worlds. Returning to Globe with a massive stockpile of energon, Galvatron confided to his well-nigh trusted warrior, Sixshot, that he intended to use the energon as part of a procedure that would transform Earth into a new, all-powerful, Unicron-like trunk for him, dubbed "Grand Galvatron". Additionally, he explained that this process would require only the best components from his nearly powerful warriors, making it quite articulate that he intended to sacrifice Sixshot and the other Decepticons for this insane ambition. Aghast, Sixshot betrayed Galvatron to Scorponok equally apace as possible, leaving the Decepticon leader alone to battle the Autobot Headmasters in Alaska. Thankfully for the Autobots, their double-agent Punch had eavesdropped on Galvatron and Sixshot's chat, during which Galvatron had revealed that his head was his weakest point. With this information to help them, the Headmasters entered Head Formation and laid Galvatron low, collapsing an iceberg on top of him and entombing him in ice. The Emperor of Devastation Vanishes on an Iceberg

The Battlestars

Galvatron would remain cached in the ice for over fifteen years, until he was resurrected by Night Nova equally the new and improved Super Megatron.

15 Get! Go! manga

Crazy AND toy-authentic.

At some point after 2025, when Optimus Prime number had been restored to life once again as Star Convoy, the mobile estimator Teletraan 15 traveled forward in time from 2005 to this era as function of a mission get together data to rebuild Teletraan I's damaged databanks. During her visit, equally Star Convoy and Hot Rod prepared to boxing Ultra Megatron, a transwarp wormhole suddenly opened to a higher place the combatants, and a massive blast shot emerged from information technology and struck Hot Rod. Badly damaged, Hot Rod could barely warn his commander equally Galvatron, appearing from some unknown spot in space and time, descended through the portal. Tearing Teletraan 15'southward arm off, Galvatron gripped the limb in his teeth as he maniacally throttled Hot Rod. Teletraan xv passed out and woke up some time later with the outcome of the battle unknown, though she remained haunted by images of the crazed Decepticon clutching her limp and helpless friend. 15 Become! Get!

Scramble City (toy version)

Note: This fifteen-minute, stop-move, extended toy advert retells the story of the original Scramble Urban center OVA with the addition of Galvatron. Created before the Japanese production staff were aware that Galvatron was a recreated Megatron, this OVA features the infamous gaffe that presents Galvatron and Megatron every bit separate characters. Information technology ain't in continuity with jack, yo.

During a massive brawl betwixt the Autobot and Decepticon combiners, Megatron took the upper hand. To counter this, Optimus Prime number ordered Metroplex to enter the fray. Metroplex rolled onto the scene and towered over his enemies, with Urban center Commander Ultra Magnus in tow. Non to be outdone, Megatron ordered his own City Commander to enter battle. Beaming down from the heaven on a ball of light, the silent and menacing Galvatron stormed the battle. Transforming into cannon mode, Galvatron fired a blast of energy at Ultra Magnus, who chop-chop transformed to robot manner and engaged his foe in mitt-to-hand combat. As the fight seemed evenly matched, City Commander Galvatron's city finally arrived to tip the odds: Trypticon! Scramble Urban center

Marvel Generation One comics

Note: Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

There were multiple Galvatrons from various alternate futures who frequently fourth dimension-jumped to give the Autobots problem. In that location are between two and 5 different Galvatrons; the exact number remaining inconclusive.

Galvatron I

After existence scolded past Unicron in 2006, Galvatron was ordered to attack Earth and destroy the Matrix. He ordered "Decepticons, to Earth!" just what he Really meant was Earth...1986!

Fourth dimension-jumping from the yr 2006 and freeing himself from Unicron'southward control, Galvatron intended to create a device that would be powerful plenty to destroy Unicron in 2006. Galvatron brought Cyclonus and Scourge with him, and as an consequence of time-travel, replaced three Autobots (Prowl, Ratchet, and Optimus Prime) in the timeline. Galvatron deposed his own past self as leader of the Decepticons and began structure of a massive laser cannon which he would and so hibernate on Globe and unleash on an unsuspecting Unicron when the time was right.

The Autobots and Megatron weren't having any of that and briefly formed an alliance to terminate the iii Decepticons of the hereafter. The program wasn't going very well until Hot Rod, Blurr and Kup came from the future to assist. Nowadays-twenty-four hour period Ultra Magnus too arrived to help and heroically kept Galvatron occupied as the future Autobots fix-up a trap.

Galvatron mopped the floor with Ultra Magnus and returned to his laser cannon only to detect Cyclonus and Scourge unconscious and Starscream missing. The weapon was then destroyed in a huge explosion. Galvatron emerged from the wreckage to see what he thought was Starscream (just, in fact, was an unconscious Skywarp in disguise), and in a fit of anger, blew him upwards. After a second he realized that if he destroyed Starscream in the past, how could he take destroyed him in the future? Figuring that he was in an alternating by, and thus, no action taken then would bear upon his future, Galvatron and his troops returned to their proper time. Target: 2006

Sometime subsequently, Galvatron returned from the hereafter (again post-obit the destruction of Unicron). This time, he planned to stay in the past. In an initial confrontation with the Autobots and Decepticons of the present-era, Galvatron mopped the floor with both sides, establishing himself as a severe threat to all Transformers on Earth. Fallen Angel In the coming weeks, Galvatron constructed a massive magma tap as a ways of gaining power for himself. He intended to siphon the free energy of an erupting volcano to become every bit powerful every bit a god. His plans were interrupted by Ultra Magnus, Goldbug, and several Autobots who had travelled back from Galvatron's own era to capture him. Rodimus Prime attempted to manipulate Galvatron'southward time-jump device to send them all dorsum to the future, merely when he and the other Autobots slingshoted back to 2008, Galvatron inexplicably remained behind. It ultimately fell on Ultra Magnus to finish Galvatron solitary. In a desperate move, the Autobot flung them into the volcano, and the two of them became trapped under molten lava. Savage Circle!

Galvatron eventually escaped and planned to take control of the Decepticons away from Shockwave. He opened his plan by menacingly approaching the Decepticon base, compeling Shockwave to assail and try to drive off the futuristic Decepticon. Instead, after hands wading through Shockwave's defenses, Galvatron cunningly announced that he had been coming in peace, merely Shockwave's unprovoked set on had fabricated an enemy out of him. He did this to sow discord among the Decepticon ranks, who at present blamed Shockwave for gaining them a powerful new enemy. Enemy Activeness! This prompted Shockwave to contrive a plan to utilise Megatron every bit a weapon against Galvatron. Salvage!

Galvatron's time-traveling (forth with that of the other Autobots and Decepticons) eventually caused a rift in time and infinite that threatened both the present and the future, opening a timestorm at both ends of the timeline that consumed the planet Quintessa in 2008. Space Pirates!

Shockwave unleashed his brainwashed Megatron on Galvatron, in the hopes of eliminating one or both of his rivals. Unfortunately, Galvatron managed to appeal to the suppressed personality within Megatron, and the 2 joined forces. Altered Image! Megatron and Galvatron forged an alliance and launched an set on against the combined forces of the present-day Autobot and Decepticons, the future Autobots and Decepticons, and the Wreckers and Mayhem Attack Squad. By this stage, Galvatron was consumed by madness and was able to overcome all resistance. Even severe injury and unmarried combat with Powermaster Optimus Prime failed to cease him completely. His threat was only truly ended when the time rift itself lashed out at Galvatron ripping him autonomously. Time Wars

Galvatron Two

Other versions of Galvatron

  • In an alternate futurity, a geriatric Rodimus Prime number recounted tales of his exploits to a curious youth from his deathbed. He said that the Time Wars had changed the timeline and so that Galvatron never went dorsum in time, and had conquered Cybertron instead. He was terminal seen in a flashback to Unicron's third coming in the twelvemonth 2010 (of that timeline). Aspects of Evil!
  • In the Earthforce timeline, a Galvatron claiming to be a different Galvatron from the original one snuck into the Autobot crypt and implanted devices that would read the memories of various expressionless Autobots. He accidentally revived them from the expressionless, and Wheeljack was able to imprison him in a "sleep mode". Within this sleep mode, Galvatron was forced to forever relive his worst nightmare (being dismembered by Rodimus Prime) over and over and over once again... Perchance to Dream It is unknown if this is meant to be Galvatron Two, the Aspects of Evil Galvatron, or a whole new version.

Dreamwave Armada comic

An alternate version of Galvatron appeared briefly as ane of Unicron's heralds, along with Thunderwing, Bludgeon, Dirge, and Scourge. He rather impassively stated that he had killed "many" Megatrons in other alternate realities. Nonetheless, he was ultimately destroyed past this timeline's native Megatron with the power of the Nighttime Saber.

IDW Generation Ane comics

This department covers fiction that is ongoing. It will be added to every bit the story progresses. If it isn't electric current, you can help by updating information technology.

My cannon knows where to go because It FEARS ME!!!

Galvatron, who is non Megatron, was a crew member on the first Ark, launched during Cybertron'due south Golden Age. However, he and the send were lost to an anomaly found in the Benzuli Surface area, and he and so became the herald for what he referred to equally the Dead Universe. Galvatron is in fact undead [1], with Sideswipe bravado off part of his head simply for Galvatron to immediately become upward once more. Returning to Cybertron shortly after Thunderwing'southward resurrection and defeat, Galvatron succeeded in seizing the huge Pretender's remains. While on that mission, past but touching Leadfoot he caused him to immediately die. Spotlight: Galvatron Destruction issue 6

After Sixshot'south deployment to Globe, Nemesis Prime sent Galvatron there as well to make sure nix would forestall their second coming. Devastation effect 3 From a subconscious vantage signal, Galvatron observed the Decepticons' desperate fight against the powerful alien regular army known as the Reapers. As Nemesis Prime number's plans required Earth to survive, at least for a while, Galvatron took steps to foreclose the Reapers from taking over and laying waste to the planet. After blasting an attacking bird-like Ravenous Reaper, Galvatron approached the Reapers' leader, Deathbringer, and unleashed the power of death that was his to command, turning the Reaper into living decay who spread death and disintegration to his fellow Reapers on contact. This turned the tide of battle considerably, and the Decepticons won the day. Galvatron then returned to the Dead Universe to await new orders. Still, Nemesis Prime remarked to Jhiaxus that he suspects that Galvatron has his own plans... Devastation issue six


After Cyclonus secured the Nega-Core and activated its guardian, Galvatron initiated the Expansion with Nemesis Prime and the rest of the Expressionless Universe crew. Spotlight: Cyclonus Galvatron is paired with Cyclonus to patrol the Benzuli Expanse, charged with destroying anything that might interrupt the Expansion, and happily lets his partner accept on Cloudburst and his crew. Spotlight: Doubledealer

Galvatron vanishes for a flake, keeping an eye upon his leader as Nova at present Nemesis Prime battles Optimus Prime. When the gamble presents itself, Galvatron opts to pull a Starscream and blasts the undead Prime number, killing his leader. Equally the Darkness passes in to Optimus Prime, Galvatron steps from the shadow outlining his choices: requite up the Darkness or bound into the Solar Puddle. He explains how it called to him first, but was unable to resist the Matrix vacuum within Nova. With the Darkness Galvatron would then be complete. Optimus Prime number decides to pass the Darkness to Galvatron, and then pass Galvatron into the Solar Puddle. The End. Or is it? Lets inquire the mysterious hand. Spotlight: Sideswipe


The hand inside the solar puddle was reveleaed to be the re-animated Galvatron, who too given new power from the darkness, the very same ability given to Nova Prime. He went to Gorlam Prime number and rebuilt Cyclonus and Scourge into slaves, embarking on a quest to take on the universe, upon traveling into more than of Gorlam they found Jhiaxus, Arcee and Hardhead. Their quest came short when Nemesis suddenly came back from the dead, in the form a Devil like being called D-Void, who secretely manipulated Galvatron into re-preparing the Expansion. Galvatron returned to cybertron, and learned Rodimus and others were there as well. Galvatron had wiped out the Insecticon Swarm, and managed to cure Cybertron'southward pollution, and prepared for D-Void's return. However Galvatron was finally turned into D-Void's slave, using Vector Sigma to unleash the Dead Universe in our own universe. Megatron took on the D-Void'south combiner grade, while the autobots took the fight to Galvatron. When all seemed lost, Cyclonus made a final stand to his former master, saying that he enslaved to impale cybertron, and as Galvatron prepared to kill him his hand offset to disintergate, leaving Optimus and Rodimus to use the Matrix to wipe out the D-Void and save Cybertron also the universe, by fusing the Matrix with the Sigma Bedchamber, therby killing Galvatron too for good.


The Transformers (IDW)

Universe Classic Series toy bio

At a time when the Decepticons were a scattered confederation of assassins and warlords, Galvatron arrived from parts unknown and chop-chop asserted his authorization. Crushing all who opposed him, he united the Decepticons into a powerful ground forces "capable of threatening the entire universe." Rumors almost his past were plentiful, simply facts were difficult to come by. Mostly the Decepticons but cowered before his might, their fear preventing them from even thinking virtually following anyone else. Those few who dared to conceive otherwise, only hoped that one solar day a rival would emerge who could best the tyrant.[1]

Note: It is unclear where this story fits in continuity, or even which Galvatron is beingness referred to. If 1 assumes the Classic Serial bios to be an extension of the Classics comic book, so he is likely "Galvatron II," as that is the only Galvatron established in that continuity. Yet, if one assumes that the Classic Series bios are not tied to whatever particular continuity, then the identity of this Galvatron becomes likewise open up-ended.

Controversy over identity

Yeah, this'll really help with the whole insanity affair.

Some fans believe Galvatron is a psychologically distinct and discontinuous entity from Megatron, almost, or equally, every bit much equally Scourge and Cyclonus, who demonstrate no continuity of memory or personality with their former Decepticon selves. This remains a topic of heated argue in some circles, in spite of a fairly unambiguous canon.

The Transformers drawing

In the G1 animated continuity, Galvatron evidently still self-identifies as existence the same person equally Megatron, albeit with greater power and a new proper name. Although not making a point of revealing this former identity to his troops at large (possibly to cast off the potential stigma of being a "defeated"/successfully deposed leader), Galvatron makes his sense of cocky clear when Starscream asks "Megatron? Is that you?" to which he replies, "Here's a hint," before obliterating him.[2] Later in The Transformers: The Picture when Galvatron is poised to trounce Hot Rod's neck, he boasts: "First Prime, then Ultra Magnus, and now you lot. It's a compassion you Autobots die so hands, or I might have a sense of satisfaction." Again, Galvatron is plainly speaking with no sense of discontinuity of identity or personality every bit he refers to by and electric current acts equally both Megatron and Galvatron without qualification or distinction.

While some might contrast this argument, yet, with his earlier line, "I, Galvatron, shall trounce you, just equally Megatron crushed Prime,", interpreting that such a statement implies a disconnect from his one-time life, this likewise can easily be explained by Galvatron's credible reluctance to allow his troops know that he used to be Megatron. While Galvatron would take fully expected the knowledge imparted in the later argument to Hot Rod to dice with the unconversant youth, the declaration to Ultra Magnus was made in public, with his troops (and, potentially, other Autobots in earshot) present.

Early on story notes for the movie state that Galvatron is "a deadlier version of Megatron. Less bluster, more ruthless activeness". Farther, in an early draft of the script, Galvatron reveals his "true" proper name--Megatron--to Hot Rod at the film's climax, with the implication that Megatron has merely been playing forth with Ingestor's (the early version of Unicron) plans and has only pretended to be his willing servant, while in fact retaining his original identity and plans for conquest. The last version of the film leaves this a bit more than ambiguous. Although, as noted, it seems fairly articulate in the film that Megatron is playing the role of "Galvatron" that has been imposed upon him (even for his ain troops) until such fourth dimension as he can betray Unicron.

During season three, however, Galvatron makes little or no further references to his by life as Megatron, though this could be a side event of lying in a pool of lava for several months and his increasing insanity. Upon meeting the resurrected Optimus Prime number in The Render of Optimus Prime, Galvatron behaves as though but picking up where he left off with his sometime nemesis from his Megatron days, as does Prime, saying that he knows Galvatron "all too well." This indicates that the Autobot leader is capable of recognising his quondam adversary despite the change in proper noun and appearance. Furthermore, in Five Faces of Darkness, Astrotrain states that Megatron and Galvatron are "the same guy," implying that during Galvatron's absence, the other Decepticons (or, at the very least, Astrotrain) figured out what was going on.

Despite all that, a memorial of Megatron tin can exist seen prominently in the Decepticon Crypt, implying that the Decepticons who built it considered Megatron to be dead. This could possibly be explained by presuming the Decepticons built the marker before Galvatron returned and seized control, though their window of opportunity to do so was rather slim. Starscream's Ghost

Japanese fiction

I hope you enjoyed that spring-kick, Magnus, because information technology's a very long way down.

Early advertisements for the Galvatron toy presented the character as an birthday split existence from Megatron, and in some cases, even being Megatron's underling. The second Scramble Urban center OVA was a remake of the original animated version, albeit including the Galvatron toy for promotion. Galvatron appears to fight his nemesis, Ultra Magnus, equally Megatron barks orders from the groundwork. This is likely due to Takara wishing to advertise the toy as quickly as possible, without full knowledge of the character's history. To maintain Galvatron's mystique, he was given the office of "Metropolis Commander", with no indication that he was an upgraded Megatron. Continuing this trend of unintentional disassociation, very early promotional artwork featured in Tv Mag and Comic Bom Bom also presented Galvatron as a dissever character.

Nonetheless, this era was very short-lived. In all official Japanese fiction, including the manga and the Japanese-exclusive cartoons, Galvatron is locked in as an upgrade of Megatron. A retcon was created by writer Hirofumi Ichikawa for E-Hobby in order to explicate away the bizarreness of some of these early story pages, detailing that the Galvatron seen in that location was really a dimension-traveling Galvatron Two.

Marvel Comics

In the Us and UK Marvel comics, the diverse time-hopping Galvatrons all demonstrate an awareness of having previously been Megatron with no potent indicators of a break in psychological identification. Indeed, at one betoken, a Galvatron says outright, "Like Megatron? No—I AM Megatron!" The closest that these Galvatrons come to identity crisis are incidents in which a time-displaced Galvatron is confronted by Megatrons (or copies thereof) and does battle with his former self. Although in these instances Galvatron experiences trains of thought that propose he sees Megatron equally a separate being and/or the source of his madness that needs to be destroyed, it should exist noted that these are not the musings of a calm, rational mind. In these instances, Galvatron is in the grips of a psychotic episode, which he generally snaps out of past realising that he and his opponent are indeed the same person.

A possible caption for why (any version of) Galvatron retains psychological continuity with Megatron while his fellow Unicron-creations practise not may be that Thundercracker, et al. were apparently already dead or in total stasis lock at the fourth dimension of their reformatting, and thus information technology is widely speculated that just their bodies were used to create Cyclonus and visitor. Whether this indicates that they retained their sparks and merely suffered total mind-wipes (either every bit the result of recent death or past Unicron's doing), or if Unicron actually infused their reformatted bodies with new life-forces is unknown. (On the other hand, none of the other Unicron-created Decepticons take faced their past selves or deeds the fashion Galvatron has.) Megatron, by comparison, was clearly alive and awake at the fourth dimension of his reformatting and struck a bargain with Unicron for "a new body", a deal which implied that his listen would remain his own.


Generation 1

  • Galvatron (Decepticon, 1986/1987)
    • Japanese ID number: D-62
    • Accessories: Laser Rifle, Particle Cannon, Particle Cannon connector

When he is greyness, nobody minds his neon orange barrel.

Galvatron transforms into a Cybertronic treaded field artillery unit (improve known as a Cybertonic laser tank) with an alternate paw-held gun mode (which was used in neither the film or the series). Using a 9-volt battery, he has a light-up barrel in cannon or gun manner, light-up eyes in robot manner, and variable electronic warbly noises in any mode. Galvatron is notable equally ane of the most well-articulated toys in the Generation One line, with ratcheting shoulders and hips, as well equally swivel waist, elbows, mid-biceps, knees, and ankle joints. He was also armed with a small, black laser rifle (as well neither used).
The colors (and the overall design) on this figure are not accurate to the cartoon. Instead of light (or bluish) royal, a gray color was added on the face up and most of his body. The figure comes with three sounds, not acurate to the drawing, but still fun noises for kids to play with.
  • Galvatron (Decepticon, 2005)
    • Japanese ID number: D-62-Due south
    • Accessories: Laser Rifle, Particle Cannon, Particle Cannon connector


Called "Anime Galvatron" past some collectors, the original Galvatron toy was much later redecoed and re-released past Takara into a sort-of more than bear witness-similar appearance, being primarily light royal instead of grey. (In the motion-picture show and cartoon, Galvatron's chief color was a sometimes-blue purple comparable to the shades used by Cyclonus and Scourge.) His face mold was as well slightly retooled, a new characterization sheet based on his cartoon details was included, and he was given new audio effects, including randomly spoken speech clips (in Japanese, naturally). It used 2 AAA batteries, rather than the previous 9-volt. Galvatron also came with the Matrix of Leadership on a concatenation to exist worn around his neck, as in the movie. The Matrix included is a aureate chromed version of the ane included with the New Year Special reissue of Convoy (Optimus Prime number). Because of the thick chrome awarding, information technology will not fit properly inside of an Optimus Prime or Ultra Magnus cab without some sanding to either the cab'southward seat divider or betwixt the Matrix's grips. Meant to be worn past Galvatron (and not the collector), the chain included with Galvatron's Matrix is much shorter and more proportionate the 1 Galvatron wears in the motion picture.
Considering more fans seemed to want a Galvatron in show-authentic colors than his original toy colors, Takara chose to make Anime Galvatron the standard release, while the one in his original colors was sold as the e-Hobby sectional Galvatron II. (Ironically, e-Hobby Galvatron IIs are easier to notice than "Anime" Galvatrons.)

Titanium Series

  • Galvatron (3-inch Robot Masters, 2006)

"This pose is too crazy, even for ME!!!"

Titanium Galvatron is a 3-inch-tall, not-transforming, die-cast metal figurine. He is based heavily on his cartoon model and has articulation in his neck, waist, shoulders, and wrists. His orange cannon is also removable from his arm.

Universe (2008)

  • Galvatron (Deluxe, 2008)
    • Accessories: Missile

"In ane mode, I'thou grayness, you lot think you got my continuity figured out... then WAAAAAA I transform into purple. See? I'm a lunatic."

Galvatron transforms into a tank reminiscent of the Israel Weapons Industries Merkava main battle tank. The tank shows very little purple on its hull, presumably to keep it a reasonably realistic representation of a real-life tank. The tank likewise has a giant translucent orangish laser cannon that can fire a translucent orange missile, also keeping in the spirit of realistic alt-modes. Upon transforming to robot style, it looks much more similar the violently insane Decepticon leader we all know and dearest, and shows larger areas of metallic purple. Oddly enough, the vehicle way's wheels are molded in the same translucent orange as the cannon and and so painted over with a different shade of orange. On the tank turret is the slogan "GALV-25," in reference to the franchise'south 25th anniversary.

The toy includes two extra "feet," which are an undocumented feature with no discernible office and no involvement in the toy's modes or transformation; allegedly they were installed past TakaraTomy to allow for an intermediate "walking tank" mode. Hasbro later confirmed this in an online fan Q/A where they revealed that the mold was originally intended to exist a voyager size mold, only was afterward changed to a deluxe. The alter in size fabricated Hasbro fleck the idea of the walker mode, but parts of that walker way were even so left in the design. The remaining parts were and then deliberately ignored past Hasbro in the instruction manual on the grounds that they looks completely ridiculous. The "anxiety" are, withal, sculpted in the likeness of Galvatron's shoulder pylons, implying that the designers might take intended for them to also be extended in robot mode somehow.

Henkei! Henkei!

The turret's shiny.

  • Galvatron (Deluxe, 2008)
    • Japanese ID number: D-06
    • Accessories: Missile
Henkei! Henkei! Galvatron is a redeco of Universe Galvatron. As with all Henkei releases, TakaraTomy have attempted to make the toy better resemble his cartoon analogue, so nigh of the vivid orange plastic from the Universe toy is now majestic or greyness. The shade of purple used on Henkei Galvatron is the lighter, lavander shade commonly seen on Takara'southward Galvatron toys, rather than the deeper purple seen on Hasbro's Galvatron toys.
Galvatron features vacuum-metallized plastic, though in Galvatron's example information technology is the most random and casuistic usage of the gimmick still in the Henkei toyline. Galvatron's entire tank turret and the equipment on the vehicle side skirts are vacuum-metallized silver, making him one hell of a blinging tank.


  • A Galvatron sentinel was released in the 1980s in Nippon. It was subsequently rereleased in 1990s past Takara equally merchandise for the Generation two line in the USA. The watch featured Galvatron's body with a clock in his chest. It included a mechanism whereby when a lever was pushed, the tiny Galvatron torso "transformed" into a full tiny Galvatron figure consummate with legs, continuing up on the watch band. The figure cannot exist removed from the sentry, merely the artillery do rotate.

Super Hybrid Model

  • Galvatron (1987, 1997)

I can't transform? This is YOUR fault, Cyclonus!

Clearly crazy.

  • Super Hybrid Model Galvatron was the exclusive toy for BotCon Japan 1997. It is a vinyl effigy about eight" tall, styled afterward his Studio OX-modified animation model; of the original intended SHBM roster, this is the only one to take ever been officially released. This figure was initially available in two versions: "standard" purple and a translucent orange "lava bath" version limited to 100 pieces. In subsequent years, at least two more versions of this figure would be released for online sale: ane that replaced the orange paint on the cannon barrel with an orange molded plastic piece, and another that replaced the entire purple body coloration with royal blue.

Super Collection Effigy

  • Galvatron (2001, 2002)

PVC in this instance means Probably Very Crazy.

Galvatron was function of the second "Act" of Takara'due south Super Collection Figures, a soft-plastic PVC of his cartoon model in both full-colour and all-clear plastics, ane each per case of twelve. A metallic-painted version of this figure was one of the hunt items in deed half-dozen. The SCF Galvatron was later released as function of the Heroes of Cybertron series, bandage entirely in clear-scarlet plastic then painted over (giving information technology a lightpipe-like glowing eye result). He was only bachelor in the tertiary wave of the line.


  • Galvatron (2003)

He will impale you with adorability.

  • MyClone Galvatron: standard and lava "hunt" versions in a superdeformed style.

Transformers Generation One Bottlecap Collection

  • Galvatron (2003)

How cartel Pepsi Convoy?!

Kabaya released a fix of 12 non-articulated G1 figures affixed at their feet to screw-on bottlecaps. Galvatron was painted entirely in greys, like all the figures except Optimus Prime and Megatron.

Robot Heroes

Destron Babies, will make your dreams come true...

  • Sunstreaker vs. Galvatron (two-pack, 2008)


  • Basically, Galvatron killed himself in the comics. He told everyone he was an updated form of Megatron. Nevertheless, it seems due to the rip in the Fabric of Infinite and Time he was ripped to shredds. Also Megatron then never became Galvatron in the comics. He was updated to a G2 class and that was it. And then Galvatron was a liar or he killed himself. Reason because, at that place was no reason for Megatron to become Galvatron after he made peace with Optimus Prime. Skillful going Galvatron. Now I wonder what would happen if he didn't become back in time.
  • According to Teletraan II's cloak-and-dagger files, Galvatron was reformed from Megatron by Unicron in an try to eternalize the Decepticon's strength and to pb the Decepticons into a new era. The fact that this data conflicts with the events as depicted in the movie may say something near the quality of the Autobot's intelligence regarding the Decepticon cause. Information technology all went downhill after Prime died.
  • A Galvatron Action Chief was planned at one point, but plainly went no further than a concept sketch. Information technology is merely vaguely similar to Galvatron's normal appearance and may maybe have been a "powered upwards" Galvatron of some sort.
  • In a pre-movie toy commercial with Ultra Magnus, Frank Welker did Galvatron's vocalization and connected afterwards.

This toy IS a fourth dimension paradox.

  • A triple changer was proposed which would switch between a very awkward Galvatron, Megatron, and a Walther P-38 handgun with added futuristic silencer and light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation sight. It is notable that the strange "Reverse Megatron" design has a balmy resemblance to the also unproduced Galvatron Activeness Master, peculiarly in the breast design.
  • Galvatron's toy bio was apparently written with the intention of him being a new character who coexisted with Megatron; he has a rank of 9 and the role "City Commander," with no mention of him having in one case been Megatron. Given the omission of similar details from Rodimus Prime's bio, it is likely that this was washed to avert spoiling the surprise of Galvatron's origin in the film.
  • Curiously, Galvatron's toy tech specs listing his firepower at 9, every bit compared to Megatron's ranking of ten. This seems odd given that Megatron never showed any ability to perform single-shot disintegrations of traitorous schemers like Starscream. Some Curiosity Comic bio cloth suggested Galvatron had nearly limitless power through Unicron. Even without this boost, withal, he was still able to blow Cyclonus practically in one-half when possessed by Starscream's ghost.
  • The Galvatron toy's gun mode's only fictional appearances were in the UK comics, which featured information technology as a shrunken, human-scaled weapon, and a form that he assumed merely so that he could easily exist conveyed by other parties, only never wielded every bit a weapon. It was also referenced in Dreamwave's More than Than Meets the Center contour of Galvatron, which Cyclonus describes every bit a weapon "none are worthy to wield."
  • Galvatron'southward toy bio states that his cannon is a "laser which emits chemically produced direct-electric current electricity." While this is a rather strange matter for a laser to do, it is a neat pun on his proper name. A galvanic cell, named subsequently Luigi Galvani, is a sure type of chemical voltage source. Though Galvatron'due south toy's batteries are not galvanic cells, they exercise produce DC electricity chemically, making his toy i of the more than fiction-accurate in the Generation I line.
  • In the Generation One manga, Makoto's lookout has a transforming Galvatron wristwatch that was first bachelor in Japan during the 1980s. Nonetheless, at the time of the story, Galvatron did not yet exist in-continuity. The circumstances behind this are all-time not idea about.
  • When asked near Galvatron'due south blueprint in an interview, Floro Dery'southward respond was, "But about Galvatron, my inspiration for him are those 'stupid people'."[3] ...Ooookay.
  • Galvatron'due south blueprint went through at least seven versions, with the terminal version existence a simplified version of one depicting Galvatron as having mostly exposed mechanical components.[4]
  • Just every bit Megatron's fusion cannon was sometimes shown in commercials to take a handle, Galvatron's cannon had a trigger on at to the lowest degree 1 occasion (during "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2"). Galvatron apparently doesn't demand to use the trigger, even so, several times in season three, he behaved every bit if he was, holding his cannon with his fist vertically, rather than horizontally, while having 1 finger in front of the others... become figure.
  • It is also relevant that Unicron offered Megatron "a new trunk, and new troops to command". No such offer was made to the other fallen Decepticons, which may indicate that Unicron viewed Megatron'due south cognition and experience useful in destroying the Matrix, while the rest were created just to assist in this goal. It would seem pointless to make the effort to summon Megatron, force him to accept the deal and them simply erase all traces of him.
  • Why didn't anyone find a voice actor who could do Galvatron's vocalization similar Lenord Nimoy did in the movie? Sure, the vocalization actors for Arcee, Blurr, Wheelie, Scourge and, until lately, Cyclonus reprised their roles for the third season of the serial, only the voices of Hot Rod, Kup, Wreck-Gar and Ultra Magnus were washed by different voice actors (which are identical to the voices from the motion picture). It would've made more sense if Frank Welker played Galvatron in the movie and the series. Another explanation is that when Galvatron was thrown into space and landed in the plasma on planet Thrull, it could have mutated his voicebox, making information technology sound like the Frank Welker voice and thus explaining the modify.
  • Galvatron'south line to Starscream in the 'Transformers: The Movie' French dub was changed from a menacing 'Here's a hint'; to declaring 'Oui, mais plus fort qu'avant!' ("Yes, but stronger than earlier!") before victoriously obliterating her (Yup, Starscream was daughter in the French version).

External links

thumb|250px|right|Introducing Galvatron. The original version of this commercial was better.

  • Galvatron at
  • Galvatron'southward Universe profile at
  • Who Was Galvatron? at Transformers Omniverse


  1. Galvatron'southward Universe Archetype Series on-package bio
  2. Some fans claim the "Here's a hint" line is a point in favor of Galvatron not being Megatron, instead of the far more likely intended affirmation, since Megatron "would never kill Starscream." Still most fans would probably concur that Starscream had simply never pissed off Megatron enough to actually kill him before.
  3. TransFormers Philippines: Interview With Floro Dery
  4. The Making of the Transformers Visual Universe: Galvatron, Rodimus Prime


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